As the weather changes from summer to fall, we are looking ahead and planning ministry opportunities of several kinds. From the worship services to Bible studies and from teen group to prayer meeting, this body of believers can look forward to the much-needed encouragement and support that God gives through His word and each other. This announcement focuses on changes in our Sunday worship services.
This week we will be moving the 10:30am Sunday service inside the church, while the 9:00am service remains the same. We continue to ask that those who attend wear a mask to the 9:00am service. Although the 10:30am service will be mask-optional, we kindly ask that everyone wears a mask for walking in and out of the building. We have reconfigured the sanctuary to accomodate more people for each service. Also, the children's church room has been set up to live-stream both services if an overflow area is needed.
For those who are unable to come in person, the live-stream service will continue unchanged. And, as stated above the 9:00am service remains the same.
For more information about how we are doing our services, or more importantly why we are doing them, please see the sermon entitled "The Importance of Corporate Worship and Fellowship" by Pastor Bill.
It is our fervent prayer that the church family will be blessed and will bless others as we minister to each other in the coming days.