Thank you to everyone who generously gave to our Roof Project Fund! We are excited to report that all funds have been raised, and we are all set to begin the project to improve our buildings.
Our church choir will be performing again during Easter week: Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Anyone interested in joining the choir may sign up in the foyer or speak to Carole B.
Rehearsals begin March 2 following the 11am service.
Adorned - Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together.
New ladies' Bible study for Wednesday evenings starting March 26th. This is a study on Titus 2 relationships by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. All women are encouraged to attend!
*See Kim R with any questions.
Saturday, March 8th at 6:30pm.
Sign up in the foyer to attend or be a host! Hosts are responsible for making desserts.
If you are interested in having a bed in our church garden, please use the button below to fill out our online form! Rules and expectations are listed within the form. There are 4x8 and 4x16 beds available.
See Pastor Caden with any questions.
Our Gabby K. is raising funds to be able to go to Word of Life this summer to join their camp crew. If you would like to give for Gabby's service opportunity, there are envelopes on a table in the foyer of church. Please place the envelope in one of the offering boxes.